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hi! my name is mo. i am a computer science student, rescue paramedic, cat lover, boyfriend, piano player, loose jeans enthusiast, sports lover and a notoriously bad drummer from erlangen, germany.

i like finding elegant solutions for complex problems, expressing myself creatively, exploring new things, helping others (and getting help from others) and spanish food. have a look around and get to know me ☺️

2014 - 2022

🎓 abitur

i obtained my german university entrance qualification at the friedrich-alexander-gymnasium, graduating in 2022 with a grade average of 1.1.

since 2022

👨‍🏫 university

i am working on my bachelors degree in computer science at the faculty of engineering at friedrich-alexander-university after having passed some courses during my early studies in 2019 and 2020.


🚑 paramedic school

i am a state certified rescue paramedic, having been trained at ASB-Schulen gGmbH, the Erlangen university hospital and the Erlangen-Höchstadt district association of the bavarian red cross.


🌱 app for future

i was involved with the german instance of the global movement "fridays for future" as a voluntary backend developer, setting up a database system, a cms and an express api supplying a mobile app with editorial content and data about currently planned events.


👨‍💻 brockhaus ag

i interned as a software developer at the german it consultant and software development firm brockhaus ag, being tasked with web development using angular and core and learning the basics of tdd and scrum.

since 2022

🚴 cs sportmarketing ek

i am working as a junior web developer at cs sportmarketing ek, being tasked with developing and deploying a web application to manage and analyze performance diagnostic tests of customers.

since 2023

🩺 bavarian red cross

i am working as a rescue paramedic at the Erlangen-Höchstadt district association of the bavarian red cross. there, i drive and command ambulances and drive rescue ambulances.

since 2023

🚘 renumbering memories

i produce and publish music under the name "renumbering memories". it's a mixed bag of genres and i often find myself deleting stuff that i don't like anymore.